Monday, July 26, 2010

New Family Website

Friday, July 23, 2010

Twins Game

Easton eating cotton candy for the first time. He also love the malt cups.

We took the kids to see the Twins and the new stadium. They had a great time and the Twins beat the Cleveland Indians 6-0.

Monday, July 19, 2010

Big Boy Bed

Anton reluctantly moved into his Big Boy Bed. I think he would have stayed in there until he didn't fit anymore, but he was quickly outgrowing his pack n' play. So, he first slept in a bed at the Lake Cabin and then the first time at home was on Monday night. Today, Andy & Anton took down his crib, so it is a done deal.

Way to go Anton!!

Lake Cabin - Day 2

Fishing with dad

Emma caught a walleye

The water patrol saw Emma and Anton out fishing with their life jackets on, so they came and gave the kids a safety award which was a cone and hamburger from DQ. The kids were thrilled.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Lake Cabin - July 2010

Mariah (9), Marissa (11) & Emma (7)

Snack time

Tom, Ian, Anton & Andy

Emma & Marissa


Anton, Ian & Emma