Sunday, September 20, 2009

Griff's 3rd Birthday Party!!

Griffin had his 3rd Birthday party last weekend at Choo Choo Bob's in St. Paul. The kids all loved the many train tables and had fun helping Griff celebrate his birthday. Emma and Anton loved the goodie bags filled with treats, a conductor hat and Thomas the Train tattoos.
It's hard to believe Griffin is going to be "3".

Soccer Game

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Wednesday, September 16, 2009


Pony ride

Emma and Anton got to ride "Jack" at our friend Karla's house. They loved every minute of it.

Anton - 23 months old

Anton zooming his "guy"

Anton showing me his tattoo from Griff's party

his teeth

Anton is trying to talk more and more every day. He likes to copy what Emma says and does. Most of the time she likes him copying her. He has started to really like cars, tractors, any heavy equipment, motorcycles, trains and "guys", which means any sort of action figure.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Fall Soccer

Emma is playing soccer this fall through the Rochester Youth Soccer Association. She practices twice a week and has games every Saturday. She is loving it. Her first game is this Saturday. Anton loves watching his big sister practice and runs around kicking his own soccer ball.

First day on the bus - 1st grade