Sunday, August 30, 2009

Pregnancy pics

Here is a picture of me pregnant with Emma at 38 weeks

Here is a pic of me pregnant with Anton at 37 weeks

Friday, August 28, 2009

35 weeks and counting!

We decided to take some pics of me pregnant since October 1st is coming fast and we didn't have any yet.

Anton likes to give the baby kisses and he wanted to give the baby his truck.

Big Boy Room

We finally moved Anton's crib to his new room, so Tuesday night was his first official night in his "big boy room." He has made the transition well, and Emma claims that the first morning after that she could hear him talking and he just kept saying "ball." He seems to like his ball room and he likes having a room close to Emma.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Another tooth

Emma lost her second tooth in the middle of the night last night. She was so excited this morning. What a beautiful smile!!

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Elmo's Green Thumb

Shannon & Griffin joined us in Rochester for "Elmo's Green Thumb." Anton has recently really started to like Elmo so we thought that this would be a lot of fun for him. Emma and Griffin also really enjoyed the show. We couldn't believe how excited the boys got as each character came out onto the stage. It was fun watching them have so much fun.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Ackley Family Vacation 2009

Emma loved playing cashier at the children's museum

Emma taking the stage at the museum

The kids loved the ambulance and playing doctor

Anton's favorite, "vroom, vroom"

The pony's name was Andy

Anton's first pony ride

Gotta love the footlong corndog

Anton was all about the rides

Anton thought the fair was too loud

He had enough

We stopped in the dells and went on a duck boat tour