Monday, June 29, 2009

Sprained ankle

Emma twisted her ankle yesterday while playing kickball. This morning it was quite swollen, so Andy took her to the ER. Thankfully, no broken bones, only a bad sprain. She just has to wear an immobilizer and stay off of it for a couple of days, then we'll see Sports Medicine and have follow-up x-rays on Thursday to see if there are any hairline fractures. She is being quite a trooper with it all, and is so proud of her "bones".

Monday, June 22, 2009

Pool fun

It was so nice today that we decided to fill our pool. The kids had such a great time in it, that we couldn't help but to catch it on camera. They both were laughing so hard that they made us laugh.

Emma turns 6!!!

Our baby girl turned 6 today! We started the day by making Emma breakfast in bed. Then we treated Emma to a day at the salon. She recently stopped biting her fingernails so we promised her a pedicure and manicure. It was fun spending the morning at the spa with her. For supper, Emma wanted to go to Victoria's, her favorite restaurant. She also opened presents in the morning. We had such a fun day with our big girl. We love you and Happy Birthday Emma!!!

We also decided to measure and weigh Emma today since she won't see the pediatrician until she is 7. So, here is how she measures up.
Weight: 55 lbs 88%
Height: 47 inches 79%

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Sand & Water Table

I told Anton to say "cheese", this is what he gave me.

Anton loves his new sand & water table. Auntie Shannon, Uncle Kyle, Griffin & Nolan gave this to him for his 2nd birthday (a little early so he could play with it all summer). We still have to get sand for it, but he definitely loves being able to play in the water outside.

Water Fun

It finally stopped raining and the sun came out. So, we filled the baby pool for the kids on Saturday. Liz and Kane also joined us for some water fun. Emma also ran through the sprinkler, while the boys just watched.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Anton - 20 months old

Where's Anton's nose?





Anton is now 20 months old. He is in love with balls and throwing them. Here he is sporting a new ball from Auntie Ashley. He carries as many in his arms as possible. And, I have to admit, he has a pretty good arm. He actually throws pretty well with both of them. His vocabulary is exploding. He tries to copy everything we say, which Emma loves. She always is "teaching" him new words.

Emma's Tree

Grandma & Grandpa Ackley planted this birch tree, along with Emma's help, on her first birthday. The tree wasn't much taller than Emma at the time. Both have grown so much. Happy "6th" Birthday Emma!

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Grandma & Grandpa's Lake

We were able to spend some time at Grandma & Grandpa Ackley's this past weekend. The weather was great and the kids were able to have some fun in the water. We had a pontoon ride, swam at the sand bar, played in the sand with Great-Grandma Donna, did some fishing and of course had a bonfire with s'mores. What a great way to enjoy the nice weather.