Saturday, May 23, 2009

Bath time

Anton has started to really enjoy his bath time, so much that he keeps hopping in with all of his clothes on while we go to get his towel.

Ice Cream Truck

Once again, our neighborhood ice cream truck has beeen stopping by, which the kids absolutely love. Anton has really started to enjoyed the ice cream treats as well.

Anton - 19 months old

Anton is now 19-months-old. He had his first trip to the ER this past week for a cut under his left eye. No stitches were needed, just some antibiotic cream. He is now saying quite a few words including Emma, ball, please, thank you, bye-bye, Hi, Hello, dad, mom, Andy, fish, birdie, up, down, all done, yes and no. He likes to smile for the camera and say "cheese." His most favorite thing is to play outside but he does not like to come in.

Transportation Fair

Shannon & Griff joined us for the Rochester Transportation Fair again this year. The kids had a lot fun and especially enjoyed the candy that was offered and many of the trucks. Emma's favorite was the pink limousine. Anton liked the "ball" which is "Slider" the mascot for the Rochester Honkers.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Spring Concert

Bath time

Anton wanted to take a bath so bad that while Andy went to get a towel and washcloth, he decided to hop in with his pajamas on.

A day at the lake

Anton & grandpa on a golf cart ride

Emma giving Anton a ride in the jeep

Anton carried this bat around everywhere, and swung at everything he saw.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Baby Boy Ackley


boy anatomy

Baby boy Ackley

I scanned our latest ultrasound pictures so you could see our newest addition. I apologize for the quality, I'm not the best with electronics. But, baby boy Ackley made his gender very apparent at our ultrasound yesterday. They said everything was normal with our little guy and his heartrate was 149.