Monday, March 30, 2009

Anton's first haircut

We finally did it. Anton had his first haircut today. He wanted nothing to do with the chair or the cape, eventhough we gave him a sucker first. So, he sat on my lap for his first haircut and kept his pacifier in his mouth and his sucker in his hand. He now looks like a totally different kid. We think he looks older and a lot more like Griffin. The haircut also makes his hair look darker.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Anton - 17 months old

Anton is now 17 months-old. He is trying to say many words including birdie, truck, water and Emma (he says Ebba). He has a few words mastered like hockey, daddy, ball and up. He loves to go outside and especially watch Emma and Katelyn (neighbor) jump on the trampoline. When it is time to go in he lets us know he isn't happy by screaming for anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour. I think we will be spending a lot of time outside this summer. He is now up to 9 teeth. Our little guy is growing fast and keeping us busy.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Snow day

Emma, Katelyn and Jack made a couple of snowmen and a snowdog with the new sticky snow today. They each have their own snowmen kits and today was the perfect day to use them.

Hockey Jamboree 2009

Emma had her 3rd annual hockey Jamboree on Saturday, March 7. Emma skated well and had a great time skating with her teammates. The highlight for Emma was the goal she scored with 45 seconds left in the game. They all received trophies for all their hard work and improvement over the hockey season