Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Baby Nolan

Emma and Anton loved their visit to see cousin Nolan in the hospital. Emma wanted to hold him the whole time and Anton wanted to keep giving him kisses. They are so excited to have this little guy finally here.

Anton's first bloody nose

Anton fell on our tile tonight and there was a lot of blood. I thought it was going to land him in the ER but he quickly calmed down, and the blood did stop. But, he does have a cut on his upper lip and his nose and eyes are probably going to be black and blue.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Nolan Michael Knutson

This beautiful picture was taken by Jessica of JM Photography who has taken so many wonderful pictures of our families. This is Nolan at 1-day-old.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Baby boy Knutson

Baby Boy Knutson arrived Thursday, January 22 at 2:45 pm. He weighed 8 pounds, 2 ounces. He measured 20 inches long. We were able to see Shannon & Kyle before the little guy arrived and we saw the beautiful baby boy about 30 minutes after he was born. Emma loved holding him and did not want to share him. He looks a lot like his big brother Griffin. We are hoping he will have a name soon.

Anton - 15 months

Anton had his 15-month check-up. He weighed in at 23.5 lbs (34%) and 31.7 inches long(67%). Overall, he is doing great.

Anton's antics

Naked Baby

Anton likes to run around the house naked while we get his bath ready. He is so fast now that I literally have to run to catch him.

Christmas with Grandma & Grandpa Dohrer

Emma and Anton enjoyed having Grandma and Grandpa to visit. They were able to see Emma play hockey, which she was really excited about. Anton loved Grandpa Gene and always wanted to be in his arms or lap.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Christmas Pictures 2008

Griff, Emma and Anton

The boys were less than thrilled to be having their pictures taken.

But, the suckers seemed to help.

Griffin - 2

Anton - 13 months

Emma 5 1/2