Sunday, November 23, 2008

Hockey girl

Here are pictures from Emma's third season of hockey. She is now a Termite 2. She has gotten so much faster and smoother. She is on the black team but still likes to have a splash of pink on her uniform.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Hockey boy

Uncle Kevin gave this hockey stick and puck to Emma a couple years back when he was playing hockey at St. Lawrence. Well, as tradition would have it, Anton is a hockey fan. He carries the stick and puck around all day, and don't even think about taking it away from him or he will scream. He especially likes to carry the puck in his mouth. Thanks again Uncle Kev.

Anton's first swimming lessons


Mazie (5), Tayten (3) and Calvin (8 months) came over for supper and to play. It was a full house but a lot of fun.

Friday, November 7, 2008

Baby soccer

While Anton is walking, he loves to kick the yellow ball.

Walking boy

Anton is now walking full-time. He does circles around the house. He loves to walk down the hallway to Emma's room. He walks around with a ball in one hand and a puck in the other hand. Anton is also jabbering constantly.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Halloween 2008

This year Griffin joined us for Halloween. The kids had so much fun, and did so good even though they were up way past their bedtime. Emma was a Snow Princess, Griffin was a bat and Anton was Baby Yoda. Emma of course wanted to go to every house, including ones that had their lights off. She just wanted candy. She would kindly announce at each house that "my cousin Griffin is coming" and made sure that they waited to give Griffin candy. It was really cute. Griffin really got into the actual trick-or-treating this year. He would run up to the houses to try and keep up with Emma. He even took short-cuts through yards, and would look for his own candy in the bowls if they held the bowl out to him for too long. He loved the suckers. Anton had his first KitKat and also loved his Tootsie pop. He did so great and sat in the wagon the whole time trying to find any candy that Griffin or Emma may have dropped.
I dressed up with Emma for her school Halloween party. We played games, made Halloween art, watched a movie, had popcorn, made pumpkin cookies, played Halloween jingo, watched a Halloween play and participated in the school parade. I decided to dress as the Snow Queen which matched Emma as she was the Snow Princess. She thought it was really fun to be dressed like her mom. We even had matching silver sparkle shoes.

What a great Halloween!!