Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Anton's 1 year photos


Check out Anton's 1-year photos. We think Jessica did a great job capturing Anton's personality and classic expressions.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Anton Michael Ackley

Anton celebrating his 1st birthday - 10/19/08

Anton on the day he came home from the hospital 10/18/07

Our family

Our family now 10/19/08

Our new family 10/19/07

Anton is 1-year-old

Anton turned "1" on October 16th. Hard to believe a year has went by. He opened presents with Grandma Vicki before his birthday and then on Sunday after his birthday we had cake and he opened presents with Grandma and Grandpa Ackley. He liked to help open the presents and seemed to really like the cake and ice cream.

I love books!

Friday, October 10, 2008

Mr. Mischief

Anton has really started to show us his personality. Now that he is more mobile, he has been able to explore the house and find things to get into. He has also become a lot more verbal. He now says Uh-oh, bye-bye, no and bug. And, he tries to say whatever Emma says. Anton has also learned how to scream when he is tired, sad, mad or when he is trying to get your attention.

Saturday, October 4, 2008

A day at the park

Griffin climbing up to the slide

Griffin swinging

Anton swinging

Anton eating dirt

Anton, Griffin and Emma swinging

Griff and Emma swinging

Anton so excited

Anton hanging on the monkey bars

Griff and Emma climbing to the slide

going down

Emma and Griff running the bases

Griff having fun

Griff came to visit us for a couple of days. The weather was so nice we thought we would take the kids to the park. They had so much fun chasing each other around, running the bases, swinging and going down the slide. Anton loved watching the kids and even tried out the slide, which he loved.