Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Emma's 5th Birthday Party

Emma had her "5th" Birthday party at the bowling alley. She invited six friends as well as Griffin and Anton. Emma chose cookie dough ice cream cake from Coldstone for her party. The girls all wore crowns for party hats and the theme was "Glitzy Girl."


Emma is playing t-ball with K-3rd graders one night a week this summer.

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Flower girl

Emma was a flower girl for Sam & Christina Skinner's wedding in Minneapolis. Emma loved being dressed up and had so much fun at the wedding and the dance.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Last day of preschool

Emma's last day of preschool was June 3.

Her class emerged as butterflies with their wings and grass crowns.

Anton was making friends while waiting for his big sister.

Emma and Bethy have become such good friends.

Fun at the lake