Monday, April 21, 2008

New pics of Anton

Anton's first biter biscuit. Emma wanted to see if he could drink out of a sippy cup, he did pretty good.

Emma's 2nd skating show

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

6 months old

Here is a picture of Anton today at 6 months old. The other picture is from the day we brought him home from the hospital 10/18/2007

"I can roll now"

Anton has rolled over a few times, but today he rolled over 5 times in a row, we think he has the hang of it now. What a big boy!!

Monday, April 14, 2008


Anton learned how to "cough." So, he has been doing his little fake cough now all the time, so much that he makes himself gag and choke. He thinks he is pretty funny.

Baby Anton

Skating Show 2008

Friday, April 4, 2008

"Look at my new toy"


Andy and Emma rode the Amtrack train from Winona to LaCrosse. Anton and I picked them up in LaCrosse, then we spent over 2 hours at Chuck E Cheese. Emma had a long day, and just couldn't stay awake for the drive home.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008


"Emma, you are so funny!"


My new hockey skates from Uncle Kevin & Auntie Chandra